
Top College Packing Tips and the Essential College Care Plan

As summer wanes and fall approaches, many families find themselves preparing for one of life’s major transitions: sending a child off to college. The New York Times recently published an insightful article on crafting the perfect college packing list, emphasizing both the essential items and those often forgotten until the last minute. This checklist ranges from the mundane, like bedding and toiletries, to the more critical, such as personal identification and emergency contact information. You can read the full article here.

While packing the right items is crucial for a smooth transition, there’s another layer of preparation that parents often overlook: legal and financial readiness. At Von Rock Law, we understand the unique needs of families during this pivotal time. That’s why we’ve developed the Von Rock Law College Care Plan, designed to ensure that parents can still support their adult children in crucial areas, despite new legal boundaries that come with turning 18.

The Von Rock Law College Care Plan – $1750

Ideal for College-Aged Students or Adults 18 and Over with Minimal Estate Planning Needs

Sending a child to college involves more than just packing boxes; it requires careful planning to ensure that parents can continue to assist with medical, financial, and legal matters. Our College Care Plan provides peace of mind by equipping parents with the necessary legal tools to support their children effectively.

What’s Included in the College Care Plan?

  1. Durable Power of Attorney: This document allows parents to make financial and legal decisions on behalf of their child if they are unable to do so.
  2. Advance Health Care Directive: This ensures that parents can make medical decisions for their child in the event of an emergency.
  3. HIPAA Authorization: This permits healthcare providers to share medical information with parents.
  4. Simple Will: Identifies up to two beneficiaries with outright inheritance, ensuring that the child’s assets are distributed according to their wishes if they pre-decease the parent.
  5. FERPA Consent Form: Allows parents to communicate with the college regarding their child’s classes, transcripts, grades, and more. While many educational institutions have their own consent forms, our standard form is typically accepted if an institution does not provide one.

Additional Benefits:

  • 30-Minute Consultation: Each plan includes a consultation to discuss specific needs and answer any questions.
  • Document Preparation and Notary Services: We handle all the paperwork and provide in-person notary services.
  • Digital and Paper Copies: Clients receive both digital and paper copies of all documents for easy access and reference.

Discounts are available when paired with a Parent’s Estate Plan or Sibling’s College Care Plan.

As you check off items from the college packing list, consider adding the Von Rock Law College Care Plan to ensure your child’s legal and financial affairs are in order. This added layer of preparation will give both you and your child the confidence to tackle this exciting new chapter with peace of mind.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact Von Rock Law. We are here to support your family through every step of this important journey.

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