
Serving as Agent/Trustee for Individuals without Traditional Options

Many individuals find themselves in a predicament where they lack the necessary support options for fulfilling critical roles in their lives. Family members might be unavailable or unsuitable, while friends may lack the capacity or willingness to take on responsibilities. Additionally, trust companies may not always align with the individual’s preferences or needs. In such situations, Von Rock Law can provide essential support and guidance by stepping in to act as a trustee.

Understanding the Duties Under Legal Documents:

  1. Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA):
    • Granting authority to make financial decisions on behalf of the principal.
    • Duties include managing assets, paying bills, and making financial investments.
    • The appointed agent must act in the best interests of the principal and adhere to the scope of authority outlined in the document.
  2. Advanced Healthcare Directive (AHCD):
    • Acting as a surrogate decision-maker for healthcare matters.
    • Advocating for the individual’s preferences.
    • Collaborating with healthcare professionals and communicating with family members.
  3. Responsibilities Under Trust and Will:
    • Trustee: Administering assets held in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries. This involves managing investments, distributing assets according to the trust document, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
    • Executor: Executing the provisions of the will, including distributing assets, paying debts, and resolving disputes.


Serving as an Agent/Trustee for individuals without traditional options is a vital responsibility that requires a deep understanding of various legal documents. By comprehending and fulfilling the duties outlined in these documents, individuals can effectively navigate their roles. Von Rock Law plays a crucial role in providing the necessary support and guidance, ensuring that individuals receive the assistance they need during challenging times.

For assistance or inquiries, contact Von Rock Law at 866-720-0195 of

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